A couple of weeks ago, when the shooting down in Parkland occurred, I wrote about what kind of impact that would have on the type of classroom I work in. For those who haven't been following, I work in a classroom with special need students. While on that same day, we also had our own incident, everything was put into perspective for myself and my coworkers that day. It became very clear to us, that even with everything done right, we would be the first targets, if and when something like a school shooting was to occur. As much as we would all do our best to maintain the safety of our students, there would be absolutely no way we could make them understand the severity of a situation of a school shooting. Most of them are not going to understand why we are cramped in a bathroom and that the playing the "Silent Game" isn't going to work. We love these kiddos like they are our own, but when you are talking about kids who see the world differently than the rest of us, it is very hard to make them understand the severity of situations. It doesn't matter how many times we do drills for these types of things.
I am very proud of the youth today. I am proud that so many want to make sure their voices are heard. For me though, I hope that many of them don't forget about the students like the kiddos in my class. These Kids deserve to have the right to have their lives protected. They deserve to have someone remember that they are still here and are trying to learn, just like the rest of the general classrooms. While I know there are some down in DC and all over the nation, who are like my kiddos out there marching, I wanted people to keep in mind, that not all have a voice and that they too, need someone to champion for their right to live and be able to learn in a safe environment.
My plan was to be just one voice for my students today, along side my eldest son. We got sidelined by an injury. While my eldest wanted to be part of this march as it was something that was important to him as student, I wanted to raise my voice in support to all those who can't. Every child deserves to have a safe academic environment.
So today on March 24, 2018, when we are listen to the voice of the youth, please remember to lend yours to those who might not have a voice today. Please remember to lend your voice to those who might not be physically able to march today, as they all deserve the same amount of respect as everyone else.